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Beginner Friendly
azure (3)

Unlock Access with Azure Key Vault

Get hands-on with Azure and exploit a fun attack path!

30 Minute Playing time
Beginner Friendly 

azure (3)          RedTeamBadge

Unlock Access with Azure Key Vault

Get hands-on with Azure and exploit a fun attack path!

30 Minute Playing time

We created this beginner-friendly lab to showcase how attackers can leverage common services to move laterally in an Azure environment. You'll get hands-on experience with Azure Key Vault and Storage tables, understand what made this attack path possible and how it could have been prevented.


After successfully compromising the Azure user account and gaining access to their cloud environment, Mega Big Tech have asked us to see how far we can penetrate into the cloud environment, and if we can access any confidential data. Specifically they need us to assess the security of resources associated with the Azure Subscription ID .

Lab prerequisites
Basic Windows command line knowledge
Learning outcomes
  • Familiarity with the Azure CLI and PowerShell
  • Enumeration for situational awareness and lateral movement
  • Access secrets in Azure Key Vault
  • Query data in Storage Tables
Real-world context

Azure Key Vaults, which store sensitive data like secrets and certificates, are high-value targets for attackers aiming to compromise multiple services. Additionally, high-privileged contractor accounts that aren't properly managed pose a risk for privilege escalation and are also attractive targets for attackers.